Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG in Iran described the latest position of Jalal Talibani, ex-president of Iraq.

Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran concerning of the latest physical position of Jalal Talibani the ex-president of Iraq said the international reporter of Tasnim News Agency that his physical conditions is good now and is staying in Soleimaniya under skilled medical team monitoring accompanied by some Iranians medicals. He added: Mr. Talibani travelled to Germany to be completely checked up and after being so, came back to Kurdistan of Iraq two weeks ago.

The representative of KRG in Iran relating to the role of General Secretary of Patriotic Union in changes of Iraq and Kurdistan said: Mr. Talibani has frequently had a special place in Iraq so that Ayatollah Sistani once said that Mr. Talibani is the safety valve for security and improvement for Iraq.

Meanwhile Dabbagh said that Talibani presently has nothing with political affairs directly due to his physical condition, and all his duties and jobs are carried out by the political and leadership counseling office of Patriotic Union. For final words concerning determination of the substitute for general secretary of patriotic union of Kurdistan of Iraq stated: as of a yet there has been no talk for Mr. Talibani’s substitution, whenever the congress of the party is held, it will deal with it. Jalal Talibani, born in 1933, was the president of Iraq from 2005 to 2014 and now the leader of Patriotic Union Party of Kurdistan.

In 2012, Talibani went to Germany to be cured. In 2013 December, a new photo of Talibani was published by a few Medias showing the improvement of Jalal Talibani’s physical condition. In June 19, 2014, He came back Soleimaniya from Berlin airport.   


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