Kurdish Envoy: Only Diplomatic Means can Help Kurds Achieve Their Goals in Iran

ERBIL - The military confrontation between the Kurdish opposition armed group and the Islamic Republic of Iran does not resolve the issues between sides as much as diplomatic means do, the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) representative to Tehran Nazim Dabbagh said on Monday.

Speaking to BasNews, the Kurdish envoy hoped that the Kurdish sides continue their activities through diplomatic, political, social, and intellectual methods, urging them to avoid military conflict as it might ruin the security of the Kurdistan Region.

"Based on [our] experience, military conflicts do not help us get close to our goals as much as diplomatic means do," Dabbagh said. "Apart from the fact that such confrontations only please the enemies of Kurds, the Kurdistan Region and Islamic Republic of Iran, I have sometimes heard that the activities were denied to have been carried out by the political sides present in the Kurdistan Region."

Concerning the death penalties against the Kurdish activists in Iran, the Kurdish official explained to BasNews that it is part of the country's policies to ensure its national security.

"This happens in whole world, including the Kurdistan Region. For instance, if the Kurdistan Region feels there is an activity against its regional security, and arrests some people accused of the issues, how would the Kurdistan Region react to it, in your opinion?," Dabbagh argued.




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