Nazem Dabbagh Comprehensive Talk with Tasnim: Plan of three-Arabian countries and Turkey to Found Sunni Region and to Disintegration Iraq

The reporter of Tasnim News Agency carried out a detailed talk with Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iran of which the outlines follow:

In a response to the first question relating to the concerns of Iraq and the Region was considered by Nazem Dabbagh financial crises resulting from the fall of oil price to $40, pursuing party interests rather than national ones by some political groups, ISIS and the loss of Mr. Jalal Talibani. He specified: in the past, there was coordinate between Mr. Talibani and Barzani, at that time there were more availability and possibility to solve the problems, whereas now this condition has destroyed.

In a response to another question concerning with conflicts in Kurdistan Region and attacking to Parties Offices he replied: no conflicts occurred between Kurdistan Patriotic Union and Democrat Party, Neither will in the future, in my view. However the differences as before, after the change movement or Guran and the demonstrations of other political groups some problems happened. The root of these differences was considered by Dabbagh upon the constitution of the Region, the presidency of the region and the opposition of Democrat Party with the return of the chairman of the Regional Parliament to Erbil.

The representative of KRG relating to differences with Central Government of Iraq said that these differences have still been ongoing. He said: as of yet the KRG has many times heralded his readiness to negotiate with Baghdad, and It was expected on the behalf of Baghdad a time would have been determined. Baghdad put a prerequisite that KRG turned it down and will. He considered the loss of Mr. Jalal Talibani effects in not solving the disputes.

In his view the matter of Kurdistan Region’s oil selling is both legal and illegal. It is permitted according to the constitution that every three provinces or more can form a region which is under Central Government. Every region is just allowed to sign oil contract, then to market and finally sell. But we are agreed that the outcome of Iraq belongs to all Iraqis. The regions which are abundant of oil are southern and northern parts of Iraq. However the hesitation of Central Government occurs and we do not wait its permission. Dabbagh continued that managing oil outcomes of the Region caused improvement and development. Dabbagh said the region does not offer its oil outcome to Central Government and it is for Central Government’s dogmatism.

In the response to this question that if Turkey’s entrance to Mosul was followed by Kurds and Barzani’s support, Dabbgh Said: about this I should say the presence of Turkey in the Region of Kuedistan is not true, but it is according to the agreement of 1983 signed between Iraq and Turkey accordance with which Turkey can enter Iraq and Iraq can (to fight Turkey’s Kurds). Since Turkey entered Iraq’s land it has still remained. The regions of the regions around Mosul in which it has already entered are separated. Dabbagh said some Sunni personifications like Iraq Defend Ministry (who is Sunni) has gone to Baeishghe visited there and Asil Al-Najifi the dismissed tetrarch has come to an agreement with Turkey that Turkish forces trains Sunni Hashad Al-Shabi of Iraq.

In a response to another question about the position of the KRG concerning with the presence of Turkish forces in the north of Iraq Dabbagh said: the government of the Kurdistan Region agrees with of Turkey and Iraq agreement, we do not oppose with Iraq Government’s actions, to defend itself with power, Baghdad can go to complain through international societies such as United Nations and security council. I just said that Turkish Army passed through our region. But in the response to the question relating to effects of the presence of Turkish forces in the north of Iraq Dabbaggh said: the position of KRG is that the entrance of Turkish Army without Iraq government’s permission is the violence of Iraq sovereignty. Dabbagh added: I say that it was not without Iraqi’s aware. In the region of Kurdistan there was necessary coordination some time (between Erbil and Baghad) and the problems and differences were a few at that time, but today there has been loss which requires someone like Mr. Talibani.

Relating to if Turkish forces’ entrance has strengthened this theory (Iraq’s disintegration), Dabbagh expressed his opinion: My own analysis is that United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are seeking for this project (to found Sunni Region and Iraq disintegration). I strongly believe that Turkey’s attempts are accordance with founding Sunni Region in Iraq and Ottoman Empire heredity. He added that: we support the idea of founding regions in Iraq, Kurdistan Region of Iraq was passed in the constitution, there is the possibility of several regions to exist in the constitution and under the Central Government. To found Sunni government in Iraq is not more than a dream.

Dabbagh said Kurdistan Region give the freed regions not belonged to the Region back to Central Government. But he said Kirkuk belongs to the Kurdistan Region. In his view Kirkuk has not historically had Shia, its Sunnis are former personnel of Ottoman government which were supposed to leave there according to the article 140 of the constitution.

Dabbagh continued to say that for Kurds to take part in freeing Mosul some requests have been put by America and we accepted that with some conditions. If the Central government asks us the same, we will accept this with some conditions. These conditions are Central government’s help to Pishmerga, to supply weapons, to train, rights and equipments. In a response to a question Dabbagh stated that Region has not been paid its 17% of the budget. If the Region itself began to not sell its oil we could not have fought against ISIS.


The reporter of Tasnim asked Dabbagh’s opinion about anti-terrorism coalition which Saudi Arabia has formed and he replied: in my opinion we should wait, it is still soon to enter some matters . . . he added: in general I feel that there will be a kind of Warsaw coordination. In my opinion China, Russia and Iran may be the founder of a new treaty like Warsaw. About the reactions of this coalition about Iran Dabbagh said: whatever this is, there is opposition and enmity to Iran, but I said in a meeting that the depth of Iran’s strategic is in Iraq. In general Iran has changed to a power. Iran’s power has caused America and the west to withdraw. 5+1 agreement with Iran has caused conditions that cannot be neglected, however the Middle East regions and Arabian countries of Persian Gulf do not accept it.

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