Nazem Dabbagh Note for E’temad Press/ Iran will help Kurdistan as a Part of Iraq

The Foreign Minister of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif’s traveled to Kurdistan Region denotes the presence strong strategic between KRG of Iraq and I.R. of Iran. This travel represents that the government of Iran both in the past and now and the future are prepared to help central government in Iraq as well as KRG.


 In recent months Iran and Iraq have shown that they tend to have close cooperation altogether and fight against the extremists in order to establish tranquility and stability in the region. The matter that should be considered here is that during history the bilateral relationship between the KRG and I.R.Iran has caused whenever Kurdistan have needed an helps it was Iran rushed to do so and in order to make relation between Kurds and central government it took actions. Presently the government of Heydar Al-Ebadi in Iraq has done his best to unify all different politicians’ attitudes from divergent tribes, therefore in my opinion on KR’s policy concerning autonomy nothing serious has happened.

 The only change has occurred is that Iraq government’s view toward many concerns for the future has been changed. We have always emphasized this that we accompany the central government in Baghdad providing the government get to be obedient to the constitution and all other present regulations. Concerning coming to power of Heydar Al-Ebadi I do not think the change of political man has a that importance. Both Heydar Al-Ebadi and Nuri Maliki are of the same political organization but the matter is the difference on the attitudes. Al-Ebadi said we will solve past problems and will not return to passed conditions.

 We also hope this matter will be met. However about the view of foreign minister of I.R. of Iran on the matter of Kurd’ willing to independent, I should say that in this travel he insisted his country is as a country due to establishing the security and stability in Iraq and regarding this he helps to the Kurdistan which is a part of Iraq.

 Another concern is that ISIS is not the dangerous threat only Kurds of Iraq but all the country as well as international security. The presence of ISIS in Iraq results from the mismanagement existing in Iraq beforehand. As a matter of fact ISIS is an organization without border and country. Its members have got together from different tribes and countries and come to the region and Iraq in a special form.

 Regarding this I think ISIS can lead to the formation of a new relation between all countries of the region and central government in Baghdad and in a more special form KRG. Today world have got this that ISIS is a threat to the all universe and that is why in recent weeks different authorities from European countries came to Iraq and KR to announce their preparedness to help Kurds in order to confront ISIS.

 Iran has continuously emphasized the maintenance of national unity in Iraq and followed to strengthen the central government. Dr. Zarif the foreign minister of Iran also insisted Tehran will appreciate any agreements between Baghdad and KRG of Iraq. Additionally the foreign minister of Iran stated Tehran want a comprehensive government to be established in Iraq.




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