Thursday, 09 Jul 2015

 Jamejam Press, relating to Al-Ramadi located in Al-Anbar province of Iraq, carried out an interview with representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran as follows:

About the reason of Al-Ramadi’s fall, Dabbagh said to the reporter of Jamejam: the Army of Iraq has not taken necessary actions to confront ISIS; they inspired them power instead. He went on: ISIS has taken an outstanding number of tanks and rocket launchers of army and even taken the command building of Iraq army called Al-Anbar operation in the west of the country under their control. In Dabbagh’s view the existence of vast differences among Iraqi leaders caused them not to realize the danger and not make any attempts to strengthen the unity among themselves. Dabbagh said: this is the fact that each of the group alone thinks of their benefits and is not unified. If these leaders thought of a democrat Iraq, they could prevent ISIS to advance and we would never witness the current events in Iraq.

In response to a question Dabbagh replied that through infiltrating in army, police and people of the region ISIS could widespread its strikes while the first tools of power is necessarily not military. The effect of information, people and the residents’ help, dare I say it, caused this ISIS to advance. Dabbagh, concerning America’s role, said: apparently America by air strikes helps the army. What is important to us is that if ISIS was not supported in Iraq, It could not gain power. He continued Iraq army asked America for help and if the USA is serious and wants to take any action, so can it, regarding its great weapons. Presently the condition of Iraq is severely worrisome.      









Thursday, 09 Jul 2015

 Mustafa Dehghan and Maryam Yousefi from Ana news agency had a comprehensive talk with Mr. Nazem Dabbagh and asked him many questions about different aspects of Iraq and Kurdistan Region, as well as Iran’s and KRG relations, of which the outlines as followed:

Relating the warnings to Mr. Maliki about impending danger Nazem Dabbagh was asked. He replied that our intelligence agency found out moves on behalf of ISIS but he discarded. Our warnings concerned with the unity and cooperation of some Sunnis, the members of the army, Tikrit people, Mosul and Samara with ISIS. In the answer to a question about the meeting KRG heads with ISIS members he said there was no such meeting. Since KRG cannot both to warn central government and to cooperate with ISIS. While at that time some Sunnis groups presented in Kurdistan and KRG was in touch with them. After a while some of them joined ISIS. In his view ISIS was not created both by us or central government, it was formed in the region 100 years ago. He continued that ISIS would soon be vanished. He added that ISIS has occupied Mosul, I predicted ISIS first attack Baghdad and then the Region all. He clarified that the differences between KRG and central government was effective in the Region’s function relating ISIS. Dabbagh added when Haydar-Al-Ebadi came to power as if there has been a new though dominating central government, thus it has provided the possible of more of cooperation of both sides.

The other part of the talk was about the independence of the Region of Iraq. Dabbagh said the Region has always been trying to move according to the constitution, while it has shown his tendency to be independence. It is meant the Region is looking for independence but it will not do it without Central government’s agreement. He said in his opinion Maliki’s coming to power and his resigning was common view of Iran-America. Similarly he added the achievement of agreement will help to increase the security in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

Concerning the possibility of the Region and Israel’s cooperation he said the region has four borders with four countries, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. Presently we have relationship with Iran, and in the current conditions of the region we cannot think of political relation with Israel in the future, nor are we willing to make Arabian and Muslim countries enemy with us. He said although Jewish live in the Region, there are no Israelis there.

Another part of talks was about Kubaney. Dabbagh said that Kurds of Kubaney tend to P.K.K, thus Turkish government helped them late. But KRG sent 150 troops there three times. He continued the reconstruction of Kubaney has not started yet but programming to reconstruct it is being carried out.    





Monday, 12 Jan 2015

To analyze the current situations of Kubani and the regional countries’ positions toward this crisis, JARAS went to Nazem Dabbagh the official representative KRG of Iraq in Iran. The main says as followed:

Monday, 18 Aug 2014

Neda Nazari: Iraq, which these days are engaged in Terrorist ISIS, has gone past difficult days to form a powerful government, however; to state the head of both important unit of presidency and parliament in recent days has caused encouragements concerning possible political agreement and reconciliation for Iraqi groups in near future. Nazem Dabbagh the representative of KRG of Iraq in Iran made an analysis of recent political events in a short talk.

Wednesday, 05 Nov 2014

In a response to question about the position ISIS leader concerning not tending attack Kurdish regions he said we should not trust in enemy, and the reason for such positions is that ISIS leaders know the preparedness of the Pishmerga forces to defend the regions under their control.

Wednesday, 06 Aug 2014

Tehran-IRNA- Nazem Dabbagh the representative of Kordistan Regional Government (KRG) of Iraq in Islamic Republic of Iran stated: in our view Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is a dangerous terrorist complex …. We deem it our duty to defend our regions and whole Iraq against this terrorist squad action.

He continued: we are in favor of Iraq Army to this terrorist complex and deem to defend Iraq our duty, but we have received no demand of help on behalf of the Army.

Presently Kurdish Pishmerga forces are watching out all regions of Kurd like Senjar and Jula, as strengthening our position, we have established a defend line against possible attacks of ISIS so that we can stop their possible progressing, he said.

According to current reports he continued: in the progress of these attacks the number of ISIS forces amounted to over 100000 people; however they could take up several central regions of Iraq.





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